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Target Practice

Category: Big Tits | Date: 8 July 2009 Target Practice

I was very frustrated indeed when all of my friends show up and there's no plan for the day...which leaves me to figure out exactly what it is that we're gonna do. After thinking for a while, we finally decided on target practice. Everyone left here, went home, and got their rifles. My one friend wanted to bring his 50 caliber and I told him he couldn't cause it would blow the targets completely away, thus defeating the whole purpose of the target practice. We drove out to the little clearing where we usually shoot at and made the rules of the game. Since its summer, we decided on something of a strip shot game. Every time you go around the lineup, the person with the shot furthest outside the target has to take off an article of clothing. I was doing okay at keeping up until we had to back away from the targets as part of the game. Then I started to lose Ha! I chose for my jeans to go first, because getting kicked in the chest with a rifle sucks ass. However, I managed to come in last for a couple more rounds and ended up being the only one in my underwear holding a shotgun. Ha! Typical.

Target Practice


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