The Best Big Tits and Booty Girls…

Hooter Hospital Nursing

Category: BBW, Big Tits, Natural Boobs | Date: 18 February 2009 Hooter Hospital Nursing

Has getting ill ever been so enjoyable? Nurse Dallas Dixon with her 38DDD healers has arrived to cure this poor bastard. He was bright enough to check into The SCORE Clinic and not a real hospital where they might kill him. Nurse Dallas truly enjoys her work. She found the dude during her midnight rounds and put him out of his misery. With a constant smile on her face, Dallas was able to get his hot beef injection machine working. First she took his cock-pulse. Despite his severe brain damage, the patient was able to fuck. And Dallas kept her bang-me shoes on the whole time. She enjoys her work and brings that special brand of reality that all Voluptuous/XLGirls have. Dallas has only posed for The SCORE Group, proving she has brains in addition to her boobs and beauty. If only all nurses could be this dedicated. What a wonderful world this could be.

Hooter Hospital Nursing


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