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Daphne’s Face Warmers

Category: Big Tits | Date: 28 January 2009 Daphne's Face Warmers

Nice mink stole, Daphne! Kinda warm for that, isn't it? It's much better when you fling it aside and let us see the goods. What's Daphne been up to lately? A lot of people don't know that Daphne does feature dancing in strip clubs. That's great because it's very tough to find mega-boobed strippers anymore. They're a vanishing race of super-women. Even with her highly skilled sex talents and great looks, Daphne considers herself a geek at heart. She's a World of Warcraft total freak, collects comic books and loves to watch The Simpsons, 24, Prisonbreak, Battlestar Gallactica, X-Play, Smallville and The Office. She is an academic researcher of human sexuality in the Kinsey tradition. She thinks a porn star should be all or nothing. How Daphne finds the time to be a one-woman boob-dynasty for our viewing pleasure is a question a Cray super-computer can't answer. Can a career in politics be far behind?

Daphne's Face Warmers


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